Newyork post published Workers for a Virginia company supplying portable toilets for the Jan. 20 Inauguration were mystified when they discovered that the company’s name — “Don’s Johns” — had been mysteriously covered up.But it turns out workers concerned that the name will reflect poorly on the incoming president have been covering up the name with blue masking tape to avoid any potential embarrassment.
“We knew they were being covered up, because we’re delivering them there every night and they saw it. We wondered who was doing it. Now we know,” an employee of the company told The Post.
Company COO Rob Weghorst told NBC News he wasn’t happy about the cover-up.
“We like to have our names on our units,” he said, adding that he instructed his crews to take the tape down.
The Twitterverse went wild as wags cracked wise.
“Is Don’s Johns where he goes to take his golden showers?” wrote BluePixie, referring to the unsubstantiated claims that Trump enjoyed such perversions in a Russian hotel.
“Will Don’s Johns have gold plated thrones for the inauguration? “ tweeted Russ Panneton.
“Don’s Johns. You can’t make this crap up. Guess they’re worried about something else smelling up the swamp,” added Good Day LA.
They are covering up the don’s on the don’s johns portajohns for the inauguration. Hey call them trump’s rumps instead,” wrote Drew McQuade.
“Don’s Johns. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,” was all PaganChild had to say.
But some users were peed off, and seized on the story to blast the media.
“We don’t need MSM. Moronic anti-Trump fake news consumers assume the Trump team had anything to do with the decision of Don’s Johns to cover their name,” fumed GodlessNZ.
The company’s name is still clearly visible upon close inspection, but is blocked for a wide-angle view by a TV or still camera.
The inauguration will take place on the west side of the Capitol facing the National Mall.
Portable toilets set up on the east side, near Senate office buildings, do not have taped-over logos, yet at least.
Don’s Johns says on its website that it has provided portable toilets for many large events in Washington, including the 2009 inauguration ceremony for President Barack Obama. The company’s logos were visible during that event.
According to its website, Don’s Johns provides “ a wide selection of portable rest rooms from which our customers may choose is important. We currently offer the largest selection in the Maryland, Virginia Washington Metropolitan area of portable restroom rentals.”
The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies and the Presidential Inaugural Committee had no immediate comment Friday.
A spokeswoman for the president-elect did not immediately respond to a question about whether Team Trump was behind the effort.
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