Wednesday 25 January 2017

eyah!!see countries that 're likely to fall Trump trap,denied them visas

According to naij news
Here is a list of the countries that may never be allowed to visit the United States under Donald Trump's reign as the 45th American leader:
1. Syria
2. Iraq
3. Iran
4. Libya
5. Somalia
6. Sudan 
7. Yemen

An undisclosed congressional aide and immigration experts revealed this and also backed it up by saying this move is in connection with the tweet.
According to Reuters, Stephen Legomsky, the chief counsel at US citizenship and immigration services in the last administration, informed that Trump has the legal power to limit refugee admissions and the issuance of visas to specific countries if the administration determined it was in the public’s interest.
The professor at Washington University School of Law in St Louis, said: "From a legal standpoint, it would be exactly within his legal rights.

Buhari refusing to amend bad policies-Ezekwezili