Saturday 7 January 2017

80+ Mama sue a lady for snatching her husband.

H-metro reported that an ELDERLY married woman from Mbare said she had filed papers for adultery damages against a young woman from her neighbourhood whom she accuses of having a love affair with her husband who is believed to be a member of an apostolic church sect.
Although she could not reveal how much she was suing for Tsitsi Chiyangwa said she wants compensation from her husband’s girlfriend, Miriam Chiyamba for having an affair with her husband.
Tsitsi claimed that her husband, Andrew Chiyangwa, was her ‘property’ and by virtue of Miriam snatching him away from her – it was like destroying her property.
“I am married under Marriage Act Chapter 5:11 which states that a husband must marry one woman. “My husband is now sleeping at her house and she always accommodates him. “At one point she came to my place of residence in the company of three police officers demanding to take my husband,” she said.-H-metro

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