Saturday 7 January 2017

Woman steal twins,tell husband he born them.

According to H-metro Sandra was taken to Harare Central Police station on Tuesday night on suspicion that she had kidnapped two infants aged two weeks.
The two babies belonged to two different women whom Sandra claimed to have been helping with babysitting.
Allegations from Sandra’s friends were that she had lied to her husband that she had given birth to twins therefore she was pretending to be the mother to the children.
One of the parents of the minor child was said to be residing in Epworth whilst the other parent; Blessing Zvechibwe was present at the scene.
Blessing said Sandra took her from the maternity ward and later on took the child from her.
“I gave birth to my child at Harare Hospital on the 5th of November but my husband and I had no money to pay for the hospital bills.
“Sandra then came and offered to pay the bill and when I was discharged she also offered to stay with me at her house.
“As I was staying with her, I woke up one morning and found out that my baby was missing.
“I asked her where she had taken my child then she said she took the child to Waterfalls where the child was being properly taken care of.
“She took the child without my consent and she then gave me bus-fare and asked me to go back to my parents’ place in Bulawayo without the child.
“When I got there I made a police report against her and when I came with the police I found her with my child plus another one,” said Blessing.
Blessing said she had not stolen the children, she claimed that she was taking care of the babies and helping their parents.
“I don’t know if this is how you define kidnapping; all I know is I was trying to help.
“I am a mother of one child and I lost one of my babies in March this year so I just enjoy taking care of babies and that is what I am doing with the two babies.
“I asked Sandra to make me stay with her baby and she agreed and I am now surprised that she is making these accusations against me.
“The other child’s parents stay is Epworth and she even sometimes comes to breastfeed the child,” claimed Sandra.
Meanwhile residents at the flat said they are now living in fear of their neighbour.
“It’s either she leaves or we vacate; we have children and it is impossible to be at peace knowing that one of your neighbours is involved in kidnapping deals,” said one resident.
While the police were searching in Sandra’s house, baby clothes and different packs of used and unused condoms were found in her house.-H-metro full report.

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