Wednesday 4 January 2017

Ethics outcry move after New Republican Congress.

According to bbc,The lawmakers' surprise vote to strip the Office of Congressional Ethics of its independence prompted public uproar and a dressing down from Donald Trump.

"Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance!" the president-elect said.
The secretive move, which overshadowed the first day of the 115th Congress, was reversed in an emergency meeting.
The ethics committee was set up in 2008 following a slew of scandals that resulted in several House lawmakers being jailed.
Mr Trump made cleaning up corruption in Washington a key theme of his campaign, and he ended his tweet with "#DTS", an acronym for "drain the swamp".
Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan had argued unsuccessfully against the rule change, which was adopted on Monday night in a closed-door meeting, but he defended the proposal on Tuesday.-BBC.

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