Wednesday 11 January 2017

Jeb Bush want Trump phone stolen so he can stop tweets

According to blaze Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a onetime Republican presidential candidate, has been a consistent political thorn in President-elect Donald Trump’s side, and now he’s going after one of the billionaire businessman’s sacred cows: his Twitter account.
Speaking Tuesday evening at the William Waldo Cameron Forum in Texas, Bush quipped that he hopes Trump’s wife, Melania, “steals” her husband’s phone, speaking of the frequent tweetstorms the incoming president is known for.
“Or at least have a rule about no tweets after 6 o’clock,” Bush joked, according to The Eagle newspaper, adding, “He has a great team around him, and that bodes well.”
While Bush expressed support for some of Trump’s decisions since winning the election and has wished him well as president, the ex-governor still seems to have some concerns about the brash real estate developer — and he’s not alone.
According to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday, 64 percent of American voters actually want Trump to completely delete his Twitter account. Millennial-aged respondents (18-34) were even more adamant about his social media use, with 71 percent saying he should delete his account.
Even Melania suggested the president-elect should tweet less, telling NBC News’ “Today” in an April interview that tweeting is something she wishes her husband would do less often.

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