Wednesday 11 January 2017

A man who didnt sleep for 6month

According to H-metro.49-year-old heart patient has revealed that he has endured six months WITHOUT sleeping. Charles Munodzana, who left the country yesterday for India, says he hopes his condition will become better as he will go for an Aortic Valve Replacement procedure at Fortis Hospital.
From his medical aid society PSMAS, Charles got US$8 500 but he could not get the air tickets to go for the operation and when his plight was published by Masvingo Mirror, Zimbabwe Amalgamated Housing Association director general killer Zivhu decided to chip in.
“I was once a driver at ZUPCO but I left the job three months ago because of my condition which has made me not to sleep and to have difficulties in breathing. “Since May, I have not been able to sleep, as any attempt that I make is really difficult because I feel like I am chocking.
“I feel like I am being chocked, such that if I’m lying on the bed, I fall to the ground. “I have since resorted to lying on a foam rubber on the ground, not to sleep as such but just to rest my back. “I have also not been able to eat properly, any time that I eat I vomit everything out, and I feel my whole body is weak, all because of my condition. When I got the US$8 500 for my medical aid, it was really a relief but without the air tickets to India, it meant nothing.

“Though there is a shortfall of US$1 000, I now have hope that as I leave tomorrow (yesterday) for India everything will go well,” revealed Charles. Charles was on Saturday handed two air tickets by ZAHA Finance Director Rufaro Ngadze and Charles’s wife Vaireti and kids were there to watch and they expressed their delight.
“Being with someone who cannot find sleep at all is really a difficult task, such that I just end up just sitting as well, because you cannot really understand what it is about his condition. “He goes through so much pain and all efforts even to feed him are futile because he just vomits it all, sometimes he just tries to eat to make us happy but it is really difficulty.
“He has lost some considerable weight and we just hope this operation will be successful,” revealed Vaireti. Councillor Zivhu revealed that whilst they had been able to see to it that Charles goes to India, they are still working on getting more money for Mollen Makoni, who is set to leave the country also for India for a kidney transplant.
“We however want to point out that the money for Molly’s expenses is not yet enough because we are still US$9 000 short but we remain hopeful that come the time for her to go (November 19) the money will be enough so that she goes for surgery,” revealed Cllr Zivhu.
Cllr Zivhu said they appreciate the help they received from corporates, Masvingo Mirror and other individuals who also helped towards the worthy cause.

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