Tuesday 10 January 2017

Average American are tired of Obamacare and want it off.

According to blaze,voters cited for why they think Obamacare should be replaced was rising costs that are making health care coverage dramatically more expensive for many Americans — something Obama promised would not happen.
Indeed, Obamacare premiums will spike by an average of more than 20 percentnationwide this year, with many states seeing much higher jumps. In fact, premium costs in Arizona will spike 116 percent in 2017 alone.
The rising costs have even led a plurality of Democrats polled to view the law negatively and support a simultaneous repeal and replace, 48 percent to 43 percent.
Still, there are aspects of the law that an overwhelming majority of Americans agree should stay: namely requirement that health insurance companies to cover Americans with pre-existing conditions and the provision that that allows children to stay on their parents’ insurance until age 26. Respectively, 92 percent and 79 percent of respondents said those two aspects of the law should be written into a replacement law or not repealed at all.
Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul has arguably been the loudest voice in Congress over the last week who has warned about the dangers of not immediately replacing the law, saying that it could send health insurance companies into a downward spiral and require the American taxpayers to save them via bailouts.
Paul said Friday that Trump supports his plan to simultaneously repeal and replace the law.
Vice President-elect Mike Pence told congressional leaders Wednesday that heexpects a bill repealing Obamacare to hit the the president’s desk exactly one month after next week’s inauguration

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