Monday 26 December 2016

instead of MMM,why not join e cooperative-reliable business boosts

How to Make Money from e-Cooperative

For you to be part of this business, you need the following.

A Nigerian bank account.A phone number.An e-mail address [optional].Stage 1

You give Jane [your sponsor] ₦1,000 and invite 4 persons to join you in the cooperative. This four persons will give you ₦1,000 each amounting to N4,000.

To move to level 2, you CLICK on upgrade and Anie’s account details appear. Note that the figurative Anie in the above diagram is the person who brought your sponsor [Jane]. You give ₦2,500 to Anie, and when the 16 persons that your initial 4 persons want to upgrade to level 2, you will receive ₦2, 500 from each 16 persons. What that means is that you will earn ₦40,000.

When you give Ifiok [the third person above] ₦5,000, you will receive ₦320,000 from your 64 persons when they are moving up to level 3.

When you give Emma [the fourth person above you] ₦10,000, your 256 persons when moving up to level 4 will give you ₦10,000 each summing up to ₦2,560,000.

Stage 2

The second stage is automatic. When you give Jane [your sponsor] N25,000 naira for level 5, you will receive N100,000 from your 4 down lines. When you give Anie N50,000 for level 6, you will receive N800,000 from your 16 persons. When you give N90,000 to Ifiok [your third person], you will receive N5,760,000 from your 64 persons. And finally, when you give N175,000 to Emma for level 8, you will receive N44,800,000 [Forty four million eight hundred thousand Naira] , and then you circle .follow these link:

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