Friday 27 January 2017

This Nigeria students make over $20000 dollar from watermelon plantation

According to Naij news,While many are losing their jobs and others their once thriving income due to the harsh state of this present economy a 23-yrs-old UNIBEN  from the departments of Environmental Science, Faculty of Life Sciences University of Benin, Benin City suddenly bumped into a weird simple Watermelon fruits farming strategies and made over 9 Million Naira in 162days growing it even without using cutlass/hoe or any kind of strenuous crude implements.

The amazing part of this young Environment Science undergraduate’s watermelon millionaire success story is that, he has never done anything farming in his entire life before neither does he has the strength to even lift a cutlass from the ground yet he did it and the results speaks volume.
Jude only became inspired after bumping into Osagie one security staff turned Watermelon Millionaire success story .he reached out to him for his strategies – the kind of organic nor-GMO seeds that is best for the Nigeria weather, the lists of various chemicals used, and all that and the rest now is history.
First, he began by cheaply getting about 22hecatares of land (about N5,000 per hectare) with the help and arrangement of a Guy Stanly at the Benin-Owena River Basin Authority and hired a tractor from the same agency to have it prepared.
And in 4days the entire 22hectares was ploughed and harrowed by the tractor and planting was done using the specialized bumper-yield-bearing seedlings.
Treatment - a combination of foliar fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, fungicides etc. were repeatedly applied by the ‘Ogoja’ boys to boost yield and completely get rid of insects and stop diseases from breaking out among the crops.
This he was doing mostly weekend when there is no lecture so that he can adequately supervise the ‘Ogoja’ workers instructing them on the correct thing to do at every stage just as he had learned from Osagie’s watermelon millionaire strategies.
The ‘Ogoja’ boys were arranged to be paid at the end of the cultivation seasons.
The crops grew and the treatment chemicals were repeatedly applied to regulate insects and diseases outbreak on the farm.
The harvesting of the crops started after 73days of planting and they were sold at the end of the season.
And after 162days of running it two seasons over 9 Million Naira was realized.
He would have made way more than N9m from his smart agrobiz if had spaced his planting days as most of the fruits got ripe almost at the same time.
Before now this 23-yrs-old young UNIBEN undergraduate had always dreaded everything farming just like everyone even though when we know how highly profitable it could be. The lazy man smart approach to farming without touching and using cutlass/hoe he bumped into made him changed his mindset gave it a shoot and he got this results right here
The Only Way Now Left For Ordinary People To Get Rich Fast In This Present Economy?
No wonder the government and experts keep yelling it into our ears every now and then.
The results of this young 23-yrs-old UNIBEN Environmental scienceundergraduate student who has never done anything farming all his life before is a big reason why we all have to embrace it the smart way and take back our financial destiny.
It a sustainable and dependable income that with which everyone with his or her family can depend on especially during a time like this our economy seems to be going southwards every day.

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