Monday 16 January 2017

Nigeria to protect Gambia if If Jammeh step down

Speaking of the ECOWAS high-level mission to Banjul, the head of the U.N.’s office for West Africa and the Sahel, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Friday told the Security Council that “they plan to leave no doubt about the determination of ECOWAS to use all necessary means, including force, to have the will of the Gambian people upheld.”
“Should this be deemed necessary,” Ibn Chambas continued, “ECOWAS intends to seek the endorsement of the AU Peace and Security Council and the formal approval of this council to deploy troops to the Gambia.”
International military historian at the University Félix Houphouët-Boigny in Abidjan, Arthur Banga, says the Gambian military would likely be no match for ECOWAS forces.

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