Thursday 26 January 2017

Elizabeth queries Trump on anti migrant issues.

“Why not just declare January 25 as the Trump Administration’s First Anti-Immigrant Day?” Warren asked rhetorically, referring to Trump’sactions to fulfill his aggressive campaign pledges on immigration.
“None of President Trump’s actions today will make us safer,” the Democratic senator said in a statement, roundly condemning’s Trump push to build a southern border wall, defund so-called sanctuary cities, and expand immigration jails.“They will tear apart the fabric that makes us strong and united as a country,” Warren continued. “His actions today will hurt working parents and children who have risked their lives to flee war, violence, and poverty. They will waste taxpayer dollars on irresponsible and misguided pet political projects.  They will divert local police department resources away from protecting our communities and building trust in the neighborhoods our officers serve.”
Warren’s criticism followed speeches and statements from local Democratic mayors, as well as Attorney General Maura Healey, who signaled they would fight Trump’s actions—specifically an order intended to strip federal funding and grants from sanctuary cities.
Warren said Wednesday that the president’s actions showed a “ugly indifference” to immigrants—roughly 13 percent of the country— and a “profound misunderstanding of the real dangers our nation faces.”
Documented immigrants and their children account for more than one in four Americans, according to the Migration Policy Institute, a non-partisan immigration policy think tank.

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