Friday 16 December 2016

David Friedman to be new American ambassador to isreal

President-elect Donald Trump has chosen lawyer David Friedman to serve as America's ambassador to Israel.
The 57 year old advised Mr Trump on US-Israel issues during the campaign.
A statement by Mr Trump's transition team said Mr Friedman's "strong relationships in Israel will form the foundation of his diplomatic mission".
Mr Friedman said he looked forward to working "from the US Embassy in Israel's eternal capital, Jerusalem", a move that will anger the Palestinians.
They see East Jerusalem as part of their sovereign territory.
But Mr Trump had promised during the presidential campaign to move it to Jerusalem, one of several overtures he made to Israel.
J Street, a liberal pro-Israel group based in Washington, said it was "vehemently" opposed to the nomination of Mr Friedman.
"As someone who has been a leading American friend of the settlement movement, who lacks any diplomatic or policy credentials and who has attacked liberal Jews who support two states as 'worse than kapos', Friedman should be beyond the pale for senators considering who should represent the United States in Israel."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has not enjoyed warm relations with Democratic President Barack Obama, has welcomed Mr Trump's election.

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